March 24, 2025

List of Events

Recent and upcoming Henry Mollicone events:

2018-2019 SEASON


Beatitude Mass: 

January 4th 2019, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto

Beatitude Mass in Monterey County
Three performances of Beatitude Mass (Mass for the Homeless), performed by Camerata singers. Proceeds  will go to two local charities, free will donations will be taken at the door.
Date and time:

“Moses” premiered at LA Opera

LA Opera has commissioned and premiered a new opera from Henry Mollicone and Librettist Shishir Kurup based on the biblical story of Moses. The piece included, student orchestras, choirs, children choirs, hand bell choir, along with professional instrumentalists and singers, conducted by James Conlon. LA Times review can be viewed in Reviews.

Date and Time
March 22, 2019    7:30pm
March 23, 2019    7:30pm

LA Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels



Symphony Silicon Valley performs Mollicone‘s “Kathy’s White Knight”

In its final concert of the season, Henry Mollicone will conduct his tone poem “Kathy’s White Knight”. This will be the professional premiere in the San Jose area of this work. This program will also feature pianist John Nakamatsu performing Rachmaninoff’s Second Piano Concerto, and Stravinsky’s Petrushka.

Date and Time
Friday May 3, 2019
Saturday May 4, 2019
325 South First Street, San Jose, CA 95113
TICKETS: 408-286-2600

Ladybird: First Lady of the Land
(Opera by Mollicone and Harnick)

Bayshore Lyric Opera (Ari Bocian, guest conductor), the San Jose Symphonic Choir (Leroy Kromm, music director) the Mission Chamber Orchestra (Emily Ray, music director) presents one performance of Lady Bird, and Mendelssohn‘s Lobgesang Symphony/cantata

Dates and Place:
Sunday, May 19, 2019, 3 PM
Heritage Theater, Campbell California
Tickets: Heritage Theater box office 408-995-3318

2017-2018 SEASON

Violin Concerto, San Jose Premier
Local San Jose Premier with Mission Chamber Orchestra. Performed by soloist Pip Clarke, conducted by music director Emily Ray
Date and time:
Saturday September 30th, 7:30 pm
Petite Trianon Theater, San Jose CA
Box office: 
Mission Chamber Tickets

Piano Improvisations
Henry Mollicone with San Jose Chamber Orchestra, conducted by music director Barbara Day
Date and Time:
October Eighth, 7:00 PM,
Petite Trianon Theater, San Jose CA
San Jose, CA 95112
Box Office:

Henry Mollicone Conducts Winchester Orchestra
Date and Time:

Saturday, November 18th, 7:30 pm
First Congregational Church of San Jose
Box Office:

Preview For 2017-2018 Season
Henry Mollicone is composing a one act opera called MOSES.

Premiering in 2019, details will be available in January 2018.


2016-2017 SEASON

Mozart and Mollicone by Vancouver USA Singers conducted by Jana Hart
This concert will include Mozart’s Requiem, and Mollicone’s ALL GOD’S CHILDREN.
Dates and times:
Saturday, March 11th 7:00 PM
Sunday March 12th 3:00 PM
Venue: First Presbyterian Church of Vancouver, Vancouver WA

Mollicone Violin Concerto, performed by the Winchester Orchestra
Alexander Eisenberg soloist, conducted by composer
Date and time: Friday, March 24th 7:30 pm
Venue: Lincoln Glen Church, San Jose CA
Information: Tickets available at

All Mollicone Concert
Notre Dame de Namur University will present a program of choral and solo works comprised of Mollicone’s music
Date and time: Sunday April 23rd, Time TBA
Venue: NDNU, Belmont CA
Tickets: 707-483-6620

LADY BIRD: First Lady of the Land; NYC Premiere
Tickets available mid-winter, 2017
Date and time: May 11th & 12th, 8:00 PM
Venue: Danny K. Playhouse: Hunter College NY, NY
Information: for tickets.

2015-2016 SEASON

Workshop of NEW OPERA
Workshop at Texas State University at San Marcos of new one-act opera LADY BIRD, with libretto by Sheldon Harnick and music by HM. The opera, commissioned by the university, is based on events in the life of Lady Bird Johnson, first lady. (The full premiere will take place April 28-May 1, 2016.)
Date and time: Saturday, September 19, 2015, 6 PM
Venue: Performing Arts Center Recital Hall, Texas State University at San Marcos

Misa de los Inmigrantes Northwest premiere
The Mid-Columbia Master Singers, under the direction of artistic director Justin Raffa, will perform the Northwestern premiere of MISA DE LOS INMIGRANTES this fall. (Composer will be present and give pre-concert lectures).
Dates and times:
Friday October 16, 7:30pm
Saturday October 17, 7:30pm
Sunday October 18, 2015 1:00pm
Venue: St. Joseph’s Chapel, Kennewick WA

All God’s Children: Southern premiere
The Southern premiere of the choral cantata ALL GOD’S CHILDREN will be given by the chorus and orchestra of Powell High School under the direction of conductor Jim Kennedy in Knoxville, Tennessee.
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2015
Time: tba
Venue: Powell High School concert hall, Knoxville, TN
Information: 865-838-2171

Performance of two Mollicone works with San Jose Chamber Orchestra
“Postcards,” a program by the San Jose Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Barbara Day Turner, will include two works by HM: “Andrea’s theme” from the film THE PREMONITION, with piano solo by HM, and “IN PARADISO”, a short piece commissioned by the Winchester Orchestra for violin solo with strings. Soloist will be concertmaster Cynthia Baehr.
Dates and Times:
Saturday November 7, 2015, 8PM
Sunday November 8, 2015, 2:30 PM
Venue: Petit Trianon Theater, San Jose, CA
Information: 408-295-4416

American Dreams: Three One-Act Operas
Mollicone’s “THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR” to be performed alongside Barber’s “A Hand of Bridge” and Bernstein’s “Trouble in Tahiti” as the innaugural opera performance in the new Shirley Welsh Ryan Opera Theater.
Michael M. Ehrman, director; Robert McConnell, conductor; members of the Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra
Dates and Times:
November 19th-21st, 2015 – 7:30 PM
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 – 3:00 PM
Venue: Shirley Welsh Ryan Opera Theater, Northwestern University

San Jose premiere of cantata ALL GOD’S CHILDREN
The Winchester Orchestra will present the choral cantata ALL GOD’S CHILDREN, a work with both Latin and English texts, conducted by the composer, with the choirs of West Valley College conducted by Lou De La Rosa.
Dates and Times:
Saturday December 5, 2015, 7:30 PM, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, San Jose, CA
Sunday December 6, 2015, 3 PM, West Valley College Theater, Saratoga, CA


The following concerts will include major works by Henry Mollicone (b. 1946):

Commissioned by the Redwood Symphony conducted by music director Eric Kujawsky, the concerto will be premiered with violinist Alexander Eisenberg.
Date and time: Saturday April 16, 2016. Concert, 8PM; preconcert lecture, 7 PM
Venue: Canada College Main Theater, 400 Farm Hill Blvd, Redwood City, CA

The Mission Peak Chamber Singers under director Michael Morris will perform a concert of choral music by HM, including the environmental cantata A SONG FOR OUR PLANET, for soprano and baritone soli, chorus, and orchestra.
Dates, times, venues:
Saturday, April 2, 2016, 8PM, Trinity Cathedral, San Jose, CA;
Sunday April 3, 2016, 4PM, Niles Discovery Church, 36600 Niles Blvd, Fremont, CA

World premiere of opera “LADY BIRD”
Commissioned by Texas State University at San Marcos, LADY BIRD, a one-act opera based on events in the life of Lady Bird Johnson, first lady, will be given its premiere performances in San Marcos. The work is a collaboration between librettist Sheldon Harnick and HM.
Dates and times:
Thursday, April 28, 2016, 730 PM
Friday, April 29, 2016, 730 PM
Saturday, April 30, 2016, 730 PM
Sunday, May 1, 2016, 2 PM
Venue: Performing Arts Center, Texas State University at San Marcos

BEATITUDE MASS in Shrewsbury, MA
The Assabet Valley Mastersingers conducted by music director,
Dr. Robert P. Eaton, will perform HM’s BEATITUDE MASS.
Date and time: May 14, 2016, 8PM
Information available at a later date at:

A SONG FOR OUR PLANET with San Jose Symphonic Choir
The environmental cantata A SONG FOR OUR PLANET will be performed by the SJ Symphonic choir directed by Maestro Leroy Kromm on a special program, including a new piano concerto by composer Lee Actor with pianist Jon Nakamatsu, and a performance of Beethoven’s Symphony #9.
Date and Time: Sunday, May 15, 2016
Venue: The California Theater, San Jose, CA