March 28, 2025

Baby Tom (2003)

Purchase Score (part of a compilation)
(Click on title for lyrics/audio)

Baby Tom (Lullaby) 3’20”
(Recording: Layna Chianakas, soprano; Henry Mollicone, piano)

Excerpt from the opera “Gabriel’s Daughter“, for mezzo-soprano and piano
Level: easy, 3’20”


Program Notes:

From the two-act opera GABRIEL’S DAUGHTER, this is a lullaby sung by the freed slave Clara Brown (a true historical character) as she lulls the child (Baby Tom) to sleep.

—Henry Mollicone


“Mollicone mixes operatic grandness, Broadway-musical energy and movie-soundtrack sweep to create a likable score that brims with memorable tunes…Clara’s ‘Lullaby’ and the gospel-tinged ‘Glory Day’ also impress. Luce has crafted an elegant libretto…”

ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS 7/15/03 – Marc Shulgold


Baby Tom (Lullaby)

Why, Baby Tom,
how long you been awake?
An’ here your ol’ Aunty Clara
has been dreamin’ away the hours.

Baby Tom, small and fair,
breath as soft as April air,
through your eyes I can see
what the world should really be –
clouds that sing, stars that speak,
sunbeams playin’ hide-and-seek,
golden tops spinnin’ wild,
spinnin’ for this golden child.

Baby Tom, night or day,
Aunty’s never far away,
she can see in your eyes
memories of Paradise,
dreams that yearn to come true,
one for me and one for you.
Fourteen angels watch do keep –
Baby Tom, go to sleep.

Libretto by William Luce

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