March 24, 2025


List of Orchestral Works by composer Henry Mollicone

Most works available through ECS Publishing.

Celestial Dance 7’00” (1995)
For picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, eh, Eb cl, Bb cl, bass cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 3 tpt, 2 tbn, bass tbn, tba, 5 perc (includes timp), hp, pno, cel, strings
Notes: Celestial dance sings of the ongoing miracle of creation and change in the universe. The concept of the hindu god Shiva’s dance as the mystical primal event in the world is the underlying image of the work.
(Recording: combined student orchestras)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra 16’10” (2014)
For 2 fl(fl2 doubles picc.), 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 2 hn, 2 perc (includes timp), harp, piano/celesta, strings
Notes: A four movement work: Tarantella, Meditation, Toccata, Finale (“In Paradiso”). The first and third movements are fast and virtuosic, while the second and fourth movements are lyrical and melodic.
(Recording: Redwood Symphony Orchestra; Alexander Eisenberg, Solo; Eric Kujawski, Conductor. World Premiere)

Score in Preparation


Dansa Trimbula 14’30” (1995)
For violin solo, with strings, piano, and percussion(1 player)
Notes: “Dansa Trimbula” is written in a Latino musical style, inspired by a trip to Mexico, and is reminiscent of tango.
(Recording: combined student orchestras)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

Fantasy, For Piano and Small Orchestra 10’00”(1967)
For piano solo with 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, perc (1 player), and strings
Notes: A work in the form of theme and variations
(Recording: Santa Clara University Orchestra; Hans Boepple, Piano; Henry Mollicone, Conductor)

Available for rental from ECS publishing

Fantasia Nostalgica 12’10”(2010)
For solo string quartet, string orchestra, and drum set
Notes: A work for jazz string quartet and strings in a Latino style
(no recording presently available)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

In Memoriam 5’00”(1993)
for strings, percussion and 3 trumpets
Notes: A piece composed for the 3oth anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy
(no recording presently available)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

In Paradiso 3’55”(2013)
For solo violin, strings, and harp
Notes: A melodic short work commemorating the death of a friend, composer Robert F. Jones
(no recording presently available)
Score in Preparation

In Time Of War: Prayers and Meditations 30’00”(2004)
for soprano solo, strings, harp, and percussion(1 player)
Notes: a programmatic work juxtaposing sung prayers with orchestral movements related to warfare
(no recording presently available)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

Inner Light 22’30”(1995)
triptych for strings and chimes
Notes: A work based on the concept of spiritual light
(Recording: Community Orchestral players)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

Kathy’s White Knight 7’40”(1994)
tone poem for symphony orchestra
picc, 2 fl, 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 2 tpt, 2 tbn, 1 bass tbn, 1 tba, 3 perc(including timp, celesta(optional)), harp, strings
Notes: A rousing and tuneful orchestral overture
(Recording: Nova Vista Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Emily Ray)
Available for rental from ECS publishing

A Rat’s Tale 32’00”(1997 rev 2007)
for narrator, childrens’ chorus, and orchestra
2 fl (fl1 doubles picc), 2 ob, 2 cl, 2 bsn, 4 hn, 3 tpt, 3 tbn, tba, timp, 3 perc, harp, piano, strings
Notes: The story of The Pied Piper of Hamlin told from the POV of a rat!  Particularly suitable for pops

Two recordings available:

  1. Premiere performance: El Camino Youth Symphony conducted by the composer and narrated by Charles Nelson Reilly in January 1997. (32′)
  2. Recent recording: South Valley Symphony narrated by the composer in March 2015 conducted by Anthony Quartuccio. (28′)

    (Note: Due to the venue, the recording’s balance is not ideal. For instance the children’s choir may be difficult to hear.)

A RAT’S TALE Libretto Available for download as a PDF
Available for rental from ECS publishing