March 28, 2025

National Weather Forecast (2007)

Purchase SSAA Score
Purchase SATB Score
(Click on title for lyrics/audio)

National Weather Forecast 4’42”
(Recording: The Angel City Chorale: Conducted by Sue Fink: SATB)
(San Fransisco Girls’ Chorus: SSAA)

for SSAA chorus a capella
or SATB chorus a capella
Level: medium, 4’42”

Program Notes:

Commissioned by San Francisco Choral Artists, this piece is a comedic setting of the weather forecast.

—Henry Mollicone


National Weather Forecast
SATB Version

SSAA Version

Thunderstorms will bring sleet and rain
to the Southwest states tomorrow.
High winds below 1200 feet will prevail,
causing rotating storms that could produce
(wind sounds in voices)

But, California will be sunny and mild.

Heavy freezing winds will predominate over New England,
And snow will fall on parts of Maine:
Some schools may be closed.
Heavy freezing winds will predominate over New England,
But by the weekend, we can expect relief.

And, California will be sunny and mild.

Now we’ll take a look at the Rockies:
The Rocky region will have sleet and rain,
and some heavy snow tomorrow.
Some slopes may be closed –
Check the ski reports in the morning.
Yet, California will be sunny and mild.

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