March 28, 2025

Come All You Blessed Children (2010)

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Come All You Blessed Children 4’50”
(No Recording available)

for SATB chorus, keyboard, and optional children’s chorus
Level: medium, 4’50”

Program Notes:

This piece was commissioned by Rock Spring Congregational United Church of Christ, Arlington, Virginia, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of its founding. (1912-2012)


Come All You Blessed Children of God

Come, All you blessed children of God.
Inherit the kingdom of heaven.

“When I was hungry, you gave me to eat;
When I was thirsty you gave me to drink;
I was a strange and you took me in;
I was naked and you gave me clothing;
When I was sick you came to see me;
I was a prisoner and you cam to visit me.

Whenever you have done this for the least of your brothers and sisters
you have done this for me.”

Come, all you blessed children of God.
Come see the face of our God in all of creation.


Text freely adapted from the New Testament by
Henry Mollicone

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